Tapping Scripts

EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a universal healing aid, is fun, quick and easy, and has been used for 30 years. Developed by Gary Graig, he generously offered the tools to the world through his website. He says his jaw still drops at the amazing results of the practice: clearing phobias, panic/anxiety attacks, traumatic memories, guilt, grief and physical ailments that have been relieved (sometimes in minutes) by this procedure. It often works when nothing else will. Instructions Here.

Tapping for Forgiveness

Forgiving is often hard to do. Here is an Emotional Freedom Technique tapping protocol for self-forgiveness and for forgiveness of others that I devised for myself. Please add your own comments as you tap, and customize it for your particular needs. Add another round, or as many as it takes to release the unkind thoughts you have.

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Tapping for Family Issues

If you are not familiar with EFT tapping, please go to Emotional Freedom Technique Instructions to learn the basics. To begin, it is useful to get a number and write it down regarding how strongly you feel about the issue you are tapping on. Use the scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest distress. 
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Feeling Overwhelmed

There are two different protocols here, one for fear in the world and one for having too much to do. Choose the appropriate one for your situation. Then, add whatever comes to mind. Trust whatever comes up.
At the beginning, be sure to get a number from 1-10 for how intense the feelings are after checking into your body. 
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Tapping for Self Love

If you are not familiar with EFT tapping, please go to Emotional Freedom Technique Instructions to learn the basics. To begin, it is useful to get a number and write it down regarding how strongly you feel about the issue you are tapping on. Use the scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest distress. 
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Tapping for Good Health

If you are not familiar with EFT tapping, please go to Emotional Freedom Technique Instructions to learn the basics. To begin, it is useful to get a number and write it down regarding how strongly you feel about the issue you are tapping on. Use the scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest distress. 
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Better Sleep & Well-being

This protocol is to help alleviate difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. As always, you can change it around to more closely fit your personal experience.
It can be useful to keep a journal of your sleep patterns, making notes each morning so that you can be aware of your progress.
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Tapping Depression

This protocol is to help alleviate simple depression. Feel free to change it up for your personal needs.
Remember to first get a number for the level of depression you feel between 1-10, with 10 being extreme depression. (In extreme cases, you may want to get professional help.)
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Distress of Violence

This protocol is to assist to relieve anger and anxiety about violence in the world.
Remember to first get a number for the level of upset between 1-10, with 10 being extreme upset. If you don’t remember the EFT tapping points, see my drawing listed in the Emotional Freedom Technique section.
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Sugar Addiction

My beloved brother, Sam, was a serous, long-time alcoholic and smoker. He first quit alcohol, and then cigarettes. Then, knowing how sugar creates inflammation in the body and since his joints ached all over, he decided to quit sugar.
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Retraining the Brain for Positive Thinking

Please understand that breaking the addiction to negative thinking and speaking (complaining) will take dedicated time and attention. Use this protocol repeatedly, and add and/or change whatever fits your situation.
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New Beginnings 

Our thoughts create our reality.  Breaking the addiction to old patterns of negative thinking and speaking (complaining) takes time and attention. Use this protocol repeatedly, and add and/or change wording to whatever fits your situation so this can be the beginning of a whole new way of being. Read More

Shooting My Mouth Off

If you are not familiar with EFT tapping, please go to Emotional Freedom Technique Instructions on this site to learn the basics. To begin, get a number and write it down regarding how strongly you feel about the issue you are tapping on.
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