New Beginnings – Tapping Protocol

Our thoughts create our reality.  Breaking the addiction to old patterns of negative thinking and speaking (complaining) takes time and attention. Use this protocol repeatedly, and add and/or change wording to whatever fits your situation so this can be the beginning of a whole new way of being. Also, you can use some of the other positive protocols listed on my website.

If you need help, I have a tutorial posted here under tapping protocols.

Always tap a minimum of 7 times at each tapping point.


Side of the hand: Even though I’ve got old, entrenched patterns that don’t serve me for my best life, I deeply and completely love and accept every single cell in my body.


Side of the hand: Even though I haven’t been manifesting the greatness I am sure is here within me, I deeply and completely forgive myself, my parents, and my brain and I ask them to delete old patterns and form new ones for peace and prosperity.


Side of hand: Even though my brain tends to complain and limit my thoughts for greatness, I deeply and completely forgive every part of my brain for its limitations, and I now issue the order to produce new feelings of hope and comfort.

Inner eye:  So much of what I say is old, rote stuff that doesn’t serve me.

Outer eye:  I’m careless about what comes out my mouth.

Under eye:  It’s such an unconscious thing.

Under nose: I don’t know how to stop talking and even thinking about negativity, the problems of the world, and lack.

On chin: It’s so engrained.

Between clavicles: How can I expect to change?

Under arm: It feels impossible.

Top of head: I hate to admit it, but a part of me enjoys complaining.

Take a sip of water and breathe.


Inner eye:  I don’t even think about what I’m saying.

Outer eye:  Negative stuff just spews out of my mouth.

Under eye:  I forget that others may be uncomfortable hearing it.

Under nose: It’s a bad habit.

On chin: It’s an old attitude.

Between clavicles: I often choose to think the worst.

Under arm: It’s just too overwhelming to stop.

Top of head: I hate to admit it, but a part of me feels comfortable complaining.

Take a sip of water and breathe.


Side of the hand: Even though it wears me out to stay conscious for positive change, and my brain is addicted to staying stuck, I deeply and completely love and accept every single bit of my body, my nerves, and my heart.


Side of the hand: Even though my brain seems to be committed to my old patterns of scarcity and negativity, I deeply and completely forgive myself and I ask my body, mind and soul to create new ones for the neuropeptides of love and joy.


Side of hand: Even though my brain has the habit of producing the chemicals of misery whenever I’m not watching my thoughts, I deeply and completely forgive every part of my brain for following such orders and I now issue the order to produce new neuropeptides of happiness and playfulness.


IE:  How can I think great thoughts and be better than I am when there are multiple wars going on?

OE:  Honestly the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

UE:  The politicians are corrupt.

UN:  Corporations are corrupt.

OC: These wars are so upsetting

Clavicles: I’m sick of it all.

UA: It’s all so overwhelming.

TOH: Choosing to feel good is just too hard.


IE: There is so much to overcome

OE: Too many reasons to worry.

UE: Too many things to be afraid of.

UN: I’m not a miracle worker, after all.

OC: Life is such a struggle.

Clavicles: Sometimes, I just want to curl up and ignore the world.

UA: Change is much harder than staying the same

TOH: Yep, I don’t like change.


MOVING TO A Middle Ground

IE:  I am working on developing awareness about what I’m saying.

OE:  I can see that I’ve been running a negative attitude.

UE:  I am working on changing my attitude to something more positive.

UN: I am doing better at staying aware of the issue.

OC: It’s better for my health to stay positive.

Clav: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I don’t want to be a joy killer.

TOH: I’d like to spread joy with compliments.


DO A POSITIVE tapping round after clearing out the old.

Side of hand: ET I acknowledge I have had an issue with negativity, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Side of hand: ET I know I get stuck a lot, I’m ready to deeply and completely forgive and honor my expansive self.

Side of hand: ET I haven’t been living my best life, I am moving as fast as I can to do better.


IE:  I am doing better at staying aware of my issue.

OE:  I choose to think great thoughts.

UE:  I’m ready to be different.

UN: Change is becoming easier and easier.

OC: I’m creating new beginnings.

Clav: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I choose to think positive thoughts.

TOH: I like to uplift myself and others.


IE:  I am working on consuming upbeat information in my reading.

OE:  I easily spot when I’m running less than the best in my brain.

UE:  I like the feeling of expecting a miracle.

UN: I think of all the wonderful things in my life.

OC: My body loves it when I stay positive.

Clav: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I often spread joy by complimenting my friends, family, and co-workers.

TOH: I’m ready to spread joy with compliments to total strangers.

It would be helpful to do this round of tapping daily for a few days, and even creating your own words for some or all of it.

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