Retraining the Brain for Positive Thinking – Tapping Protocol

Please understand that breaking the addiction to negative thinking and speaking (complaining) will take dedicated time and attention. Use this protocol repeatedly, and add and/or change whatever fits your situation.

Always tap a minimum of 7 times at each tapping point.

Side of the hand: Even though my cells are addicted to negativity and the neuropeptides that accompany it, I deeply and completely love and accept every single cell in my body, my nerves, my heart, and every part of my brain involved in this addiction.

Side of the hand: Even though the cells of my brain are covered with receptors for the neuropeptides of negativity, I deeply and completely forgive myself and my cells and I ask them to disable those receptors and to create new ones for the neuropeptides of joy and peace.

Side of hand: Even though my brain has the habit of producing the neuropeptide of misery whenever my thoughts go there, I deeply and completely forgive every part of my brain for following such orders and I now issue the order to produce new neuropeptides of hope and comfort.

Inner eye:  I don’t even think about what I’m saying.

Outer eye:  Negative stuff just comes out my mouth.

Under eye:  I forget that others may be uncomfortable hearing it.

Under nose: It’s a bad habit.

On chin: It’s an old attitude.

Between clavicles: I think there is something wrong with me.

Under arm: It’s just too overwhelming to stop.

Top of head: I hate to admit it, but a part of me enjoys complaining.

IE:  A part of me feels good when I’m being negative.

OE:  I have some strange addiction to negativity.

UE:  Yup, I’m a whiner.

UN: Sometimes, it is incessant.

OC: I’m good at expressing dissatisfaction

Clav: At the time, it doesn’t occur to me that I am likely annoying others.

UA: I air my grievances to anyone within earshot.

TOH: I’m a habitual complainer.

Take a sip of water and a deep breath.

Side of Hand:  ET I feel too addicted to complaining to ever be able to stop, I completely love and accept myself.

Side of Hand: ET I feel vindicated in complaining, and it keeps me stuck, I forgive and honor myself.

Side of Hand:  ET I’m having a hard time shaking my negativity, I can change things in my life and let the mess go.

IE:  When I’m actually paying attention, I don’t like listening to myself.

OE:  It’s just my nature to run a negative attitude.

UE:  The world is a crummy place.

UN: I am tired of my job (or friends, or living conditions or whatever).

OC: I’m exhausted, and complaining gives me energy.

Clav: I guess I am just an unhappy person.

UA:  Optimists are irritating.

TOH: Honestly, sometimes everybody annoys me.

IE:  I am working on developing awareness about what I’m saying

OE:  I can see that I’ve been expressing a negative attitude.

UE:  I know others may be uncomfortable hearing it.

UN: I am doing better at staying aware of the issue.

OC It’s better for my health to stay positive.

Clav: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I don’t want to be a joy killer.

TOH: I’d like to make more friends and spread joy with compliments.

Take a sip of water and breathe.

Do a positive tapping round after cleaning out the old.

Side of hand: ET I acknowledge I have an issue with negativity, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Side of hand: ET I know I complain a lot, I deeply and completely forgive and honor my complaining self.

Side of hand: ET I am a complainer, I am moving as fast as I can to do better.

IE:  I am working on developing awareness about what I’m saying.

OE:  I can see that I’ve been running a negative attitude.

UE:  I know others may be uncomfortable hearing it.

UN: I am doing better at staying aware of the issue.

OC: It’s better for my health to stay positive.

Clavicles: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I don’t want to be a joy killer.

TOH: I’d like to spread joy with compliments.

IE:  I am working on developing awareness about what I’m saying.

OE:  I can see that I’ve been running a negative attitude.

UE:  I know others may be uncomfortable hearing it.

UN: I am doing better at staying aware of the issue.

OC: It’s better for my health to stay positive.

Clav: I am learning to shift my focus to happy things.

UA: I don’t want to be a joy killer.

TOH: I’d like to spread joy with compliments.

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