Sugar Addiction – Tapping

My beloved brother, Sam, was a serous, long-time alcoholic and smoker. He first quit alcohol, and then cigarettes. Then, knowing how sugar creates inflammation in the body and since his joints ached all over, he decided to quit sugar. He told me it was the hardest addiction he had to tackle. So go easy on yourself as you work on this. You may need to use this protocol repeatedly. You might also want my help with a few sessions.

If you are not familiar with EFT tapping, please go to my page Emotional Freedom Technique Instructions to learn feel about the issue you are tapping on. Use the scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest distress. To begin, it is useful to get a number and write it down regarding how strongly you feel.

It can help to get a buddy to partner up with in your quest for freedom for this addiction. Good luck!

Side of hand: Even though I am distressed that I keep eating so much sugar, I’m going to love and accept myself anyway.

Side of hand: Even though I feel stress after eating a lot of sugar, I forgive and honor myself.

Side of hand: Even though I don’t feel comfortable with myself after I’ve lost control around sugar, I’m willing to let some of it go now with ease and joy.

Inner Eye:  I don’t feel good about myself.

Outer Eye: I get disgusted with my lack of control.

Under eye:  I just start eating sugary treats, and can’t stop until it’s all gone.

Under nose: I am a fool for sugar.

Under bottom lip: And it’s depressing.

Clavicles: It feels unhealthy.

Under Arm: I have a low-level anxiety about wanting sugar.

Top of head: I make a resolution not to buy sugary treats at the store, but then break the resolution.

Take a breath and have a sip of water, then continue:

IE:  I don’t have the strength needed to handle this craving

OE:  It is so icky feeling this way.

UE:  It’s so painful

UN: So many beliefs about worthlessness.

UL: Sometimes, I just hate myself.

C:  I don’t like the way I look.

UA: It messes with my self-confidence

TH: Sometimes, I dread being in social situations with sweets.

Side of hand: Even though I worry about putting on weight with all the sugar I consume, I completely love and accept myself.

Side of hand: Even though I especially crave sugar after an intense day, I honor and forgive myself.

Side of hand: Even though I use sugar to soothe myself, I can stop beating myself up for doing so.

Inner Eye:  Sometimes, I feel helpless in my desire to stop eating sugar.

Outer Eye: My lack of control dismays me.

Under eye:  I get so upset with myself. I start eating sugary treats, and can’t stop until it’s all gone.

Under nose: Sugar is not just an issue with getting fat.

Under bottom lip: Sugar can create diabetes..

Clavicles: It can cause heart disease

Under Arm: Even knowing the risks, I continue to consume it

Top of head: Initially it makes me feel good as it releases dopamine in my body, but the effects don’t last.

Take a breath and have a sip of water, then continue, this time working on the possibility of letting go.

Next round

Side of hand: Even though I have this sugar addiction, I suspect I can beat it because I love and accept myself.

Side of hand: Even though lab rats have been found to crave sugar, I think I can rise above it, as I completely honor and forgive myself.

Side of hand: Even though my brain circuitry seems wired to binge on sugar, I don’t have to give in to that, and I’ve got lots of hidden strength.

IE:  Could there be another way of handling this craving?

UE:  Nah, I don’t think so.

UN: Wait! Maybe I can.

UN: So many beliefs about helplessness with sugar craving.

UL: Sometimes, I feel confident I can handle this, and sometimes I don’t.

C:  Nope. It’s a lost cause.

UA: It absolutely is NOT, and I can ask for spiritual help.

TH: It takes belief that I can quit sugar, and I believe I can.

Check your number. Has it gone down? Write the new number down.

Continue your rounds, using phrases that apply to you until you begin to relax about that craving. When your number has gone down to a 2-3, and you are less stressed and ready to bring in some peace, finish up with this round.

Side of Hand: Even though quitting is going to be tough, I completely love and accept myself.

Next Round
S of H: Even though this addiction has controlled me a long time, I forgive and honor myself.

S of H: Even though I’m really hard on myself, I’m ready to start loving myself now.

IE:  It’s sad to think of letting this “friend” go.

OE: I am tired of beating myself up.

UE: I want to be able to relax.

UN: I wish to stop eating sugar.

UL: It’s important for me to quit.

C:  To not need other people’s approval so much.

UA: I’m ready to quit sneaking around with this.

TH: I am strong, and ready to tackle this issue!

Some of these statements may not fit you, in particular. That’s okay. Make up your own statements that work specifically for you.

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