Hello, dear folks into personal transformation,
This month, I am making the last post on communicating with our deceased loved ones. It’s a fascinating subject, and I’ve been happy to hear readers share their experiences!
My oldest brother, Sam, promised me and his wife that he would try hard to let us know he was there after he passed. Kit reported that a couple of weeks after he died, she was driving home and stopped at a café and went in.
The waitress sauntered over and asked Kit what she was having. “I’ll have a cup of coffee.”
“And what is your friend having?” the waitress asked.
Kit was sitting in a window seat. She looked around. There was nobody in the café that she could see other than herself and the waitress. Other than her car, the parking lot was empty. She turned back to the waitress and said, “Er, I’m by myself.”
The waitress looked confused, glanced around and said, “Oh. Okay,” then walked off.
Honestly, I don’t know how Sam pulled that one off. However, he was a trickster in life, and it appears he has remained so after death.
The final story is of my middle brother, Rex, a brilliant Renaissance man who died two years ago. Rex wasn’t interested in metaphysics, and due to his advanced alcoholism, we were estranged when he died. So, I was surprised to hear from him. Of course, I have learned that, when you cross over, you still want to contact your loved ones, metaphysical or not.
A couple of months ago, I was in a Goodwill store – not one I usually frequent, as it is in a different part of town where I shop. I enjoy the treasure hunt that thrifting affords me. I never know what I will find, and on that particular day, I was startled to look across one aisle to another and spot a wooden box. It wasn’t a regular box, but rather one carved out of a tree limb with a hinged lid. Although I have seen a couple that aren’t Rex’s, I instantly knew it was one of his creations as it looked like burnt bristle cone pine. I rushed over to pick it up and flipped it over to see his signature on the bottom, which amounted to an “S” that looks like a backward “Z.” However, the price sticker was covering the signature.
Grabbing it, I rushed to the front of the store and asked the woman at the check-out counter if she would remove the sticker for me. I explained that I just knew the box had been made by my deceased brother who lived in Colorado. She smiled (Uh huh, she must have thought) and stripped it back. There was the backward “Z.” I burst into tears and pulled out my wallet.
“Aha!” she said. “He’s dropping by to tell you hello! Oh, you’re crying. Want a hug?” Yes, I did!
So, folks, I have loved these encounters with those spirits who have crossed over! I encourage you to talk out loud to your loved ones. Ask for and look for signs and let me know when they appear. [email protected]
Lovely Little Things
Third and final notes of ways our loved ones contact us after death
Thoughts and voices
Our loved ones have the ability to impress their thoughts on us. Not complicated thoughts, but more impulses. To deliver a sign, they will give us a scent or sound, or inspire us to turn on a radio or to look at something that reminds us of them.
Our beloveds who are gone can somehow make us hear their voices in our minds. Evidently, it’s a fairly easy thing for them to do. Like a child saying, “I love you, Mommy.” Others around us, of course won’t hear it.
Coincidences and Synchronicities and recurring numbers
Most signs we receive from the dead are subjective, unexpected, and subtle. Many coincidental signs happen in close association with a recent death. It’s important to pay attention when things suddenly come together unexpectedly.
Communication Dreams
Our deceased loved ones can become so closely aligned with our minds that they give us extraordinary dreams. Dreaming about the dead is common. But communicating dreams are something else. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference.
They are memorable – you don’t forget them.
They usually feel very real.
Our loved ones look and act normal.
They often communicate a message.
We get messages fairly often. Tell your ancestors (a broad term here, meaning anyone you’ve loved that has walked through the veil) that you are ready to hear from them. Promise yourself you will remain vigilant to recognize signs.