Indigenous elders often say that memory is in the blood and the bones, and is passed down through the generations. Science is beginning to prove that it’s true through some fascinating work. Actually, it’s passed through the DNA, which is very close to the same thing. This explains why Emotion Code clearing work is so valuable. (More on that later.)
Amy Bombay, an Anishhinaabe from the Rainy River First Nation, is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and she’s done research on why her parents’ generation suffers such high levels of anxiety and suicide attempts. Her focus was on those native Canadians separated from their parents and sent off to residential schools to learn another language and adopt the customs of the white people. While the grandparents were the ones who were forced to leave their families, her parents’ generation is expressing serious mental health issues. Sociologists know the same is true here on US shores with Native Americans.
Dr. Bombay said, “In terms of how that (experience and the environment) is transmitted generationally, we know that if those changes happen to be…in the egg or sperm, they have the potential to be transmitted across generations.”
Similar studies have been conducted with Holocaust survivors. Big collective and historical traumas are associated with a variety of ongoing negative psychological responses. The indication is that PTSD is passed from one generation to the next.
A headline in the Telegraph, a UK science publication, is entitled Phobias may be memories passed down in genes from ancestors. Researchers have found that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA.
New research at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta has shown that mice can pass on learned information about stressful experiences in subsequent generations. For this study, cherry blossoms scent was paired with an electric shock to mice. Then, they were allowed to mate. The babies, whom had never experienced the shocks were afraid when encountering the same smell. So did the following generation, proving ancestral experience carried forward. The DNA of these mice also manifested chemical changes.
According to reports in the Telegraph, Dr. Brian Dias, department of psychiatry at Emory University said, ““Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”’
Researchers intend to do further work to understand how information comes to be stored in the DNA in animals and humans.
Discover Magazine, May 2013 issue had a fascinating article of genome research done by molecular biologist and geneticist Moshe Szyd and Michael Meaney, neurobiologist, both from McGill’s University in Montreal. The two men are highlighted in the article: Grandma’s Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes. Meany says, “Your ancestors’ lousy childhoods or excellent adventures might change your personality, bequeathing anxiety or resilience by altering the epigenetic expressions of genes in the brain.”
They go on to say that, in the future, people may be able to get drug treatments to change your brain chemistry and wipe out our ancestors’ memories of war, rape, childhood abandonment, etc. But it may accidentally wipe essential memories.
Eeks! Remember the days of lobotomies? I have a better idea. Try Emotion Code for a chemical-free, surgery-free way to release inherited traumas and fears.
Science is discovering what the practitioners and clients of Emotion Code have known for some time – traumatic experiences can be inherited from our parents, grandparents, and even further back. By the same token, we also realize that those individual memories can be identified and nullified by skillful use of Emotion Code clearings.
Research link-
Robin Heart Shepperd, Certified Emotion Code practitioner
sessions in person, by phone or Zoom
[email protected]