Last year seemed to engender a lot of desires for internal change, manifested externally in our surroundings and, possibly in our bodies. My guess is that you may have begun to think in terms of changes to your living space. I’ve got some useful suggestions for you. Go for it, and let me know what you did.
New Energy for your Home
(Three ideas)
- Salt bowls
Some people resist saging their homes due to the smoke involved. That’s okay, because you can clear stagnant energy with salt. Any kind of salt will do, but commercial salt like Morton’s has been chemically altered. I only use that to wash my clothes. I would suggest some good, clean salt. Pour it into a bowl and set it out where it won’t get knocked over. You may add some juniper/cedar berries or tiny branches, washed clean of pollen, to the salt or some essential oils (conifers are good – cedar, fir, spruce). It’s kind of like adding baking soda to your fridge to clean up odors. Stir it from time to time and when you sense that it is spent, pour it out in the trash or somewhere like cracks in the driveway to prevent weeds,
- Painting
If you have decided to paint a wall or two, try this. Prior to painting, paint or pencil in the attributes on the wall that you want in the house. i.e. love, laughter, kindness, prosperity, good will to all, peace, nurturing, sweet kisses, etc. Do it with intention. Then, paint over it in the usual manner. Words have power, and though you will no longer see them, they will still exude that power. Also, order low VOC paint, to reduce toxic outgassing. It’s more expensive, but you health is worth it. - Furniture and Objects
The artwork, furniture, and mementos in your home all hold energy, good or not so good. Are there any you’re keeping out of guilt or obligation? Place your hand on the ones you’re not sure about, and tune in to how your body feels. If you feel good, keep it. If your energy plummets, let it go.